Dear all of my priceless friends,
This is what I meant to say to everyone yesterday before I got on the plane...
Thank you. You know me inside and out, in some ways better than I know myself, and yet you still love me unconditionally. You see my quirks, my moments of being completely irritable or crabby; the times in the morning when you ask me what the weather is like outside and I snap that I haven't been outside yet, when I really want help but am toO stubborn to ask, or even when I start to run around like I took the puppy crack and you just stand aside and laugh. For the past weeks you have made me feel so special, so loved and so supported, as I make the move to Italy and follow my dream for a year.
For all of you, all of this, all of our ups and downs and questionable judgements, I would like you to know that never in the world will I meet a better group of friends, a more hilarious group of people, and a group of unique individuals that looks the world in the eye, says I
don't give a shit and just keeps on rocking life with a smile.
A year flies by and if I know you all well, I know that Pete is already making my coming back mix, Claudia is already planning the venue, Chris is already wondering what she will wear, Corbett is already planning the menu,
Yael is already thinking of a speciality cocktail,
Ro and Greg are already setting aside the time,
DK is making sure Rex can come in for the event,
Shulman is already buying the Sparks,
Kas has already started drinking said Sparks, Gerry is already (still) trying to teach
Stewie a new trick, and everyone else is waiting for the gem of an
evite to come out.
From the bottom of my heart, I love you guys so much! I will see you soon!!!!