She was once the 'belle of the ball', the cutest little lady in town. Her style was sexy and sophisticated and all of the others around her knew they could never measure up. And now, sadly, my poor baby is nothing but a shell of her former self. Yes, my apartment is bare, empty and has about as much character as a Ruby Tuesday.

6 days and counting until she is no longer mine. Soon she will be inhabited by someone who will never truly appreciate her red wall, her antique glass door knobs and the darling claw bathtub that has been with her since the beginning.
#504 was my first 'big kid' apt. It was just her and I against the world. But this is not goodbye, we will always have the memories; the late night dance parties, the wine-fueled giggle fits, the hangovers on the couch, and the ocassional overnight visitor.
Au revior mon cherie!
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