Let's start at the top and work our way down, shall we?
1. nobody in their early 20's rocks a Burberry headband and bag unless they are Asian or rich girls from NYC. Fact.
2. Northface jackets are warm. I will give you that. But considering Italians won't even go running unless their sweats are Armani, do you really think they would sport a Northface windbreaker?
3. I never got the whole 'let's wear our pajamas to class' thing when I was in college. I still don't get it. Do you really want me to believe that you didn't have two seconds to throw on proper pants, but you had 5-7 minutes to get your extra hot, grande, skim, no foam, sugar-free vanilla latte from Starbucks? Now granted, aside from that cheap beer you will be drinking later, this is the only food item that will go in your mouth all day. But still, put on some pants.
4. Uggs. I love me some Uggs, don't get me wrong. They are like a warm hug around your foot. And you probably could pull them off, but when paired with all of the mentioned above it is just a recipe for disaster.
They look like the natural inhabitants of the tonier areas of Cincinnati. Or any city in Ohio. Why oh why are Uggs and sweats considered comfy chic? This picture would truly be complete if their sweats said "Juicy" or "Pink" on the ass.
hahaha! those were like the uber-bitchy Orange girls from Chagrin area. So not cute.
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