Monday, November 26, 2007

Bye Bye Blog

Hey guys,
So, I am not going to be writing on this blog that much anymore. I will still post random pictures every now and then, but nothing on the regular. I sort of figured it would die off after the New Year, but to be honest I am kind of tired of writing about myself. I mean, come on, aren't you sick of hearing this stuff?!

Not interested in doing my final project, I sat down with a glass of wine and looked at some old posts. These three are my favorites, notsomuch for what they say, but for the fun memories they bring back. (ok, who am i kidding, I love all the memories the posts brought back!)

enjoy, be good, and as always... miss me!


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Nooo! I like your blog! Please don't stop posting! XO