Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It's Not Tears, It's Allergies

I have kind of become a bit of a cry baby lately. Not all the time, but I will notice a few tears creep in while waiting for the metro, or while sitting at my desk cleaning out old files, ok fine, even once when I was reading an article on But the ironic thing is, they aren't really because I am sad, just slightly overwhelmed right now. With the last week of work, moving out of the apt. and figuring out how all of my things are possibly going to git into three suitcases... let's just say it is a bit much.

Then I read a friend's blog this morning and it put it all into perspective for me. So there's that...

Thanks boobers!

1 comment:

fabulous fabs said...

there is so much to look forward to, smile!