Thursday, September 27, 2007

How I Spent My Rainy Morning

  • press snooze 4 times debating whether or not to go to class on time
  • finally after 35 minutes come to terms that you just aren't going
  • text message friend to sign you in
  • sit on couch with cup of coffee reminding yourself why more than two glasses of red wine is never a good idea
  • watch episodes of "The Pick-Up Artist", which is both horrifying and enthralling
  • try to will that bottle of asprin to magically appear next to you
  • promise yourself you are going to use this extra time to finish some work
  • crawl back into bed and listen to the rain.

Happy Almost-End of the Week Lovies!

1 comment:

An Idiot Savant said...

Oh, if only I were having a lazy Thursday! Actually, I'll call that Tuesday. I haven't had a day off in two months...bring it!

We'll miss you this weekend!